The cultivation of American ginseng started over a hundred years ago in Wisconsin when the Fromm brothers decided to transplant one hundred wild specimens, from nearby forests, into prepared plots carefully replicating the plant's natural environment. This process was replicated by others and so the commercial farming of ginseng began. In the years following the end of WW1, Wisconsin had taken a leading role in growing the crop, with it being grown in virtually all counties. During WWII many other states transitioned away from ginseng, instead planting other crops. Wisconsin, however, maintained its ginseng farms and stood for the vast majority of American ginseng output in the decade following the war. As the industry grew during the 60's and beyond, Wisconsin remained at the top, retaining that position even today.

Due to lower cost production in China and Canada, the Wisconsin ginseng industry has taken a serious hit over the last two decades, with both production and sales at a steady decline. 

Wisconsin ginseng is known as one of the most prestigious ginsengs in the world, despite this, the industry is facing problems in attracting young growers. The GGAA is therefore planning to initiate change by not only forging close relationships with growers and distributors, but by also providing a simple set of guidelines for cultivation. The GGAA hopes to revitalize and revolutionize the American ginseng industry, alongside its contributors to reach new heights yet to be seen.