Only trusted distributors from around the world are selected to carry GGAA member products
Products bearing the GGAA certification label have been validated by the organization, verifying that:
The GGAA seal is a certification trademark registered with the US Trademark Office.
the ginseng is American ginseng of the variety Panax Quinquefolius (also known as Panax Quinquefolium L.);
the American ginseng is planted in non-contaminated virgin soil in the United States and meets the pesticide and heavy metal residue standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as GGAA standards;
the American ginseng grower is a certified pesticide applicator and uses only chemicals certified for ginseng by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA);
the freshly harvested ginseng roots are processed according to guidelines established by the GGAA;
the grower of the American ginseng is a member of the GGAA and;
the authorized distributors signed a seal program license agreement with the GGAA.
Beijing Tong Ren Tang Health Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TRT) is a multi-century old pharmaceutical company, often regarded as an institution. With 1800 stores across mainland China, TRT is known for its legacy and guarantee of authenticity, and product quality. Click here to learn more about TRT.
W Ginseng is a Wisconsin grower of American ginseng who has a solid record of protecting the integrity and quality of ginseng. With its digital distribution network, W Ginseng reaches consumers across the United States with its packaged ginseng products.
To learn more about joining GGAA, please click here.